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The solution to your struggles with getting back to exercising

Writer's picture: Janet HuehlsJanet Huehls

Fall is a time of getting back to structure and often that means getting back to regular exercise.  But change, even when it's a healthy change, takes energy. When the start is fatiguing and painful or stressful, it is not a healthy change in the end.   If you have started or restarted exercising and are feeling sore and tired and defeated, this article is for you!  I'll share the simple science-based way to start well, not stressed so exercising is healthy, motivating and sustainable.  

The energy required to change comes from our of change comes from our brain's preference for routine.  Habits save energy. Changing habits use energy.  But after a summer of less structure often we are ready for some structure.  

However, the brain is also hardwired to avoid what makes us feel worse right now. If you touch a hot stove your body signals your brain to avoid touching a hot stove again.  So if the start of exercising is hard, painful, time-consuming, complicated, guilt-ridden, or shame-producing, your body will tell your brain to avoid it.  No matter how much you know you should, no matter how much you pay someone to push you, odds are your exercise habits will fall apart. 

Start smart by aligning what you are doing with the way your body and brain are designed.  The Be Well Now Method blends movement science, motivation science, and mindfulness or you science so your exercise routines are most likely to last from one season to the next. 

Step 1 Be: Start where you are now

Check-in on the state of your body, brain and motivation:

  • Mindsets: what is your self-talk about exercise? Are your thoughts sounding more like a strict coach or a caring friend? 

  • Medical: What are you feeling best about your health right now? What concerns about your physical health; pain, fatigue, old injuries? 

  • Movement: What type and level of movement would feel good right now? Which are you concerned will not feel good now?

  • Motivation: What are you motivated to do?  What is something you “should” do but are dreading doing? 

Look at the ranges here and notice how much your body knows and is already telling your brain even before you start.  Now lets use that awareness to fuel motivation from the source known to be most lasting.  

Step 2 Well: What matters most right now

Ask yourself, what do I want most right now?  Dont think too much, simply brainstorm.

Then finish this sentence,  I want that so I can_____.

Again brainstorm all the things you will be doing when you are exercising regularly in a balanced way.   

Look over what you wrote and make the connection between exercising and what you value most in life.  

Step 3 Now: Move to feel better now and function better now

Before you start to move, use what you wrote above to let your body decide the type and amount of exercise that would leave you feeling better now. This is the level that is right for your body right now.  Without worrying about what you ‘should do” or what others are doing or what you used to do, noticed what feels good now. With that as your starting point, your body is telling your brain this thing you are calling “exercie” is a resource for reducing, rather than adding to stress.  Your body and brain and heart are wired for you to thrive. When it feels good now, exercise starts to be something that you want to do, and less and less of a should or a task you have to do.  

Once you are in a routine with something that leaves you feeling better mentally and physically now, expand to the three types of movement your body needs to function well.

Gradually balance out your exercise type and duration to get to the level of enough for mobility, strength, and stamina at a level where your body feels better now and ages better through consistency. Doing them mindfully ensures you continue to listen to your most reliable source of information about what is sustainable and supporting your health.   

Enough exercise is as simple as 1-2-3. 
1. Mindful Mobility Moment, stretching and balance practice once or more a day at a level that calms tension and clears the stress state
2. Whole-life Strength moves twice a week that mimic movements of daily life to restore confidence as you move. 
3. Whole person Stamina, or mindful cardiovascular exercise at a moderate to comfortable challenge for your breathing. Gradually increase at this level that gives you energy up to 30 minutes three days a week or the equivalent in smaller intentional bouts.

Yes, that is enough exercise. When done mindfully, following exercise and movement science principles its a way to feel and function better, even when life gets stressful.

As the sessions change, how you use your energy and what you need for your health adn well-being also change.   When you know how to use mobility, strength, and stamina type exercise as a way to feel and function better now, you can be well each season of the year.  Rather than being a barrier, the change of seasons offers a way to keep your exercise routine novel, satisfying the need for learning and growing healthy and well.  

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