Give your clients exercise know-how
What if your clients followed your advice to exercise or move more?
If you had a clinical exercise physiologist and health coach right in your practice it would give your clients the skills they need and you would save time and energy.
Now you can give all your clients, even the ones limited by pain, finances, motivation, or stress, the know-how to follow your advice with confidence!
The Exercising Well advantage
​With an Exercising Well professional membership, you simply give your clients the personalized card we provide for you. They follow the link and get unlimited access to an easy-to-use evidence-based digital health online portal. You rest easy knowing they are learning HOW to follow your advice to exercise well with:
Start Well™ step-by-step online programs designed to gradually build life-long skills for exercising the right way for their body right now
Evidence-based skills for adjusting so they eliminate the barriers of pain, stress, time, and motivation
A growing library of "well-outs", exercise videos that bring their well-being out
Skills for exercise self-efficacy so maintaining exercise habits is less work for your clients and for you!
Support from a Clinical Exercise Physiologist for Exercising Well with a wide variety of medical conditions

Your clients get more from every minute they move

Mobility that
cures chronic stress and reduces inflammation
More than just learning how to do stretching and balance exercises, your clients develop a habit for taking Mindful Mobility Moments so this type of exercise clears the stress state and reduces the effects of physical inactivity and stress

Strength that
reduces pain and slows aging
More than just lifting weights, your clients build a Whole-life Strength habit with exercises that restore confidence they can move with less or no pain in daily life so they age with greater muscle mass, bone strength and confidence

Stamina that
supports intrinsic motivation
More than just doing cardio, your clients grow the habit of Whole-person Stamina, which is doing cardiovascular exercise mindfully rather than mindlessly, strengthening their intrinsic motivation skills for all health habits
The whole-person benefits for your clients
Physical Wellbeing
The Start Well programs for mobility strength and stamina ensure your clients are developing exercise habits that are built to last. As they learn to mindfully listen to their body and exercise in a pain-free/reducing range, they strengthen their foundation of moving in daily life with greater ease.
Emotional Well-being
Through the integration of mindfulness and self-compassion with movement science, clients learn how to transform exercise from a task to a user-friendly resource for whole-person self-care. They learn from day on how to move to reduce emotional stress so they can use their tools for improving and sustaining better mental health.
Financial Well-being
Most exercise programs are designed to keep your clients needing someone to tell them what to do and keep you motivated. Exercising Well is where they LEARN how to exercise the right way for their whole person right now. The programs are designed for them to grow skills to be self-guided and self-motivated, saving them money and time by knowing what exercises and equipment is right for them.
Relational Well-being
When your clients are limited physically, you likely see the downstream strains on their quality of life. This side effect of health issues is no small matter. This functional approach to exercise shows them how to identify what they want to be able to do and how to design their exercise plan so they can restore the mobility, strength, and stamina to do more of what they love with those they love.