The Simple Way to Be Mindful
Mindfulness is known to have many benefits including calming the stress state, reducing food cravings, improving the odds of kicking an addiction, reducing chronic pain, improving outcomes from surgery, and much more!
Yet many people I talk to about mindfulness say something like "I try to meditate but I can't stop my thoughts". Mindfulness ends up being more stressful than calming.
The simple way to be mindful is to think of it like this: If you met up with a friend you had not seen in a while, you would likely be fully present. You would want to hear what was going on with them. If they shared happy news, you would share in that joy. If they shared challenges, you would empathize, listen even closer, and offer to help if you could.
Mindfulness is being present to your own self-talk, emotions, and physical sensations in the same way, with curiosity, openness, and kindness. Just like you would not stop your friend from talking, mindfulness is a way to listen to yourself that builds trust in what you know inside.
As I mentioned in previous articles, this is what it means to be well. It's the opposite of the stress state. It does not mean you like what is here now. It's your willingness to listen that leads you from the stress state to the well state.
The lovely part of mindfulness is that it is portable. You can mindfully wash your hands, drive, eat, sing, shovel snow, walk, stretch, and do strength exercises. When you use everyday activities to practice mindfulness, you have more opportunities every day to Be Well Now.
Stay tuned for more tips on Celebrating December Well tomorrow.
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Why wait until January to be well?
If trying to eat healthily, exercise regularly, and manage stress have you stressed this holiday season, the Start Well in December Special is for you! Check it out by clicking the button below.